Thursday, December 9, 2010

Week 6 cancelled too

No surprise but paths not clear of ice so hopefully next week for santa run and night out after in the Munster!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Week 5 run cancelled

Due to the white stuff the run is off; will go for the black, red or other white stuff instead!

Hopefully back on Thursday 9th!

Week 4 photos

Add Image
More to follow from Ciaran Fallon

Monday, November 22, 2010

Week 3 - nice night for running

Out & About

Results for week 3 available and photos to follow: Sample of a few above from Ciaran Fallon.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Caption Competition

Week 2 results and handicaps for Thursday ready by clicking here. Just type in your bib number or name.

Click here for week 2 great photos from Ciaran Fallon.

Keep the suggestions coming in for the Caption Competitions to

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Week 1 photos full set

Thanks to Ciaran Fallon for the photos of week 1; Click here for the full set. (Click on 'slideshow' in the top right hand corner for a sit back and review).

Keep an eye out for him tomorrow night and smile for the camera!

NOTE for newcomers: Last week all the ladies and all the gents went off in groups; this week you now have a handicap time.
Check HERE to find out what it is. Insert your bib number or your name and your time from last week will pop up...Also your handicap will come up. That is the number of minutes after the start of the run that you start.

Example: Jim took 22 minutes to do the 2 mile; His handicap is now 3 mins so he starts 3 mins after the first runner. Michael took 18 mins; his handicap is 7 mins so he starts 7 mins after the first runner and 4 mins behind Jim. If both runners do equally as well this week then they should both finish together in the RSC!

Still not sure what it all means drop an email to or give your self plenty of time to come upstairs at the RSC and ask one of the friendly helpers.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Week 1 photo sampler - Ciaran Fallon

Thanks to Ciaran Fallon we have the following preview of some of his shooting from Week 1;

Perhaps the Caption competition starts here?? Replies to

Click on images to enlarge

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Week 1 done

Record numbers of Stewards were present for the first run of the Paddy Byrne Winter League 2010.

Con & 40 stewards helped 480 fun-runners to make it safely around the 2 mile and 4 mile course. Well done to all, particularly those doing the stewarding for the first time! The work of Waterford Marine Search & Rescue and Francie Lonergan was much appreciated in manning the "Church Road Diversion" off Paddy Brown's road and little or no delays were experienced on Paddy Brown Road as a result. Great work stewards and of course great work runners on completing the route.

Anyone interested in helping out with stewarding please come upstairs at the RSC any Thursday from 6:30 for assignment of station by Con!

Photos to follow from Ciaran Fallon and results will be on early next week.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Rules of Winter League


Wear a high Viz Vest or Belt!

No headphones or watches!

Run on the path, NOT THE ROAD.

Be careful of other fun-runners as you pass,

Traffic has right-of-way, so cross the road ONLY at the GARDA CROSSING POINT.


Last year's souvenir ebook

To download the souvenir eBook of last year's league click here

Monday, November 1, 2010

Winter League is back for the 10th year

Starting back this Thursday, Nov 4th at 7pm.

Registration upstairs at the RSC between 6 and 7pm on Monday Nov 1st and Wed Nov 3rd and from 5:30 on thursday evening.

All details on
Please note the slight adjustment to the route when coming down Paddy Brown's Rd as there is a very sharp turn left onto Church Road, run approx 100m and cross the road and back to the Paddy Brown Rd to a left turn again!.

Pre-registration form can be downloaded from here.

Friday, March 12, 2010

ebook souvenir available to download

Your free souvenir copy of the ebook of this year's winter league is now available to download from, so have a look and relive the memories!

There are 2 options to download; a low resolution one which downloads in seconds and the full high res one that may take a few minutes depending on your internet connection speed. (The content is the same but picture quality would not be as good on the low res if you want to print out some pages...the ones with you in!)

Thanks to Brendan Jackman, Alan Crokes and Tom O'Brien for organising this and of course Waterford AC for sponsoring the ebook.

Don't forget to target the City 4 mile road race on Easter Sunday, April 4th starting at the Train station and finishing at the RSC. All details on (top right hand corner of the page) and registration on , by post or on the day. Check out the route below;

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Final night party time - Feb 11th

Well done to all who helped contribute to a great Paddy Byrne Winter league 2009/10.

Below is the gallery from Brendan Jackman of the night and a list follows of those who ran each night.

Details soon of how you can download (from the waterford ac website) your own copy of the souvenir e-book of this years league. The ebook was very popular with those who saw the hard copy of it at the party night which followed the final night last Thursday.

Waterford Road Runners Winter League Week 11 -- 11 Feb 2010 - Images by Brendan Jackman Photography

List of those who did the run every week:
4 milers: Paul Cullen, John O Connor, Keith O'Driscoll, Dermot Delaney, Adrian Kirwan, Charlie Jacques, Declan Flanagan, John Brophy, Annette Kelly, Paul Grant, Sarah O'Regan, Mairead O Donovon and Yvonne Marks.
2 milers: Susan Rowe, Owen Power, Elaine Lanigan, Eva Sutton, Annette Egan, Ronan Douglas, Sharon Furlong, Maria Skehan, Bobby Coady and Rachel Hartrey

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

WEP note - Final one - Feb 10th

Tomorrow night Feb 11th is the final night of the Paddy Byrne Winter League 2010.

There will be an end of season Party in the Mount Sion GAA Centre from 9:00pm with presentation of prizes and donations to all the Charities benefiting from this year's league.

Final Gallery of photos from Brendan Jackman is included below and listen out for the details of how you will be able to download your own free souvenir "e-book" of this years winter league compiled by Brendan.

Waterford Road Runners Winter League Week 10 -- 4 Feb 2010 - Images by Brendan Jackman Photography

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Caption Competition Winner

Well done to one of our stewards Albert who is the winner of the latest caption competition and it sings "You put your right leg in, your right leg out......and you stop the traffic, and thats what its all about!"

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Last week photo gallery & WEP note 11

Below are two galleries from last week thanks to our eagle eyed photographer Brendan Jackman. The first is the night in the life of one of you fun runners and the next is another night of pure enjoyment!

A Night in the Life... - Images by Brendan Jackman Photography

and now the rest of you:

Waterford Road Runners Winter League Week 9 -- 28 Jan 2010 - Images by Brendan Jackman Photography

WEP note 11:
Nearly there; Feb 11th is the last night so be free to come to the after-party to see which charites are benefitting from all the good work at Waterford Roadrunners, collect some prizes, enjoy the grub and of the night away.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Great night for Fun Running..and Fun Walking

Picture above from Brendan Jackman
Numbers were up this week as we are all back trying to kill that hill and still get the benefit of the gentle downhill back down towards the RSC!

Only 2 more to go and some of you have emailled as you are wondering whats next after the winter league? Well, keep an eye on our friends at as they have some plans afoot for the fun runners to keep the great work going. They tell us they are planning on rejuvenating their Spring series from a few years ago and also looking at the possibility of a summer series so let us know what nights/days suit you best such as would Friday at 6 suit, Saturday at 11:00 Sunday at 4:00?? Why not get your spoke in and we'll pass it on.

And now for our Caption competition for the picture above! Come on, you know you have a good one for this fella!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

WEP note 10 - Jan 27th

After braving the bad weather last week and assisting in raising €2000 for the haiti fund we all look forward to another great night of fun runnning. Three weeks to go so keep up the good work. If you signed up for the series don't forget to come upstairs to collect your free Waterford Roadrunner tee shirt or if not why not come up to buy 0ne at only €5 euro each. There are also a few Road Runner Beanie hats left for sale at €5.

Waterford AC have announced Sunday, April 4th as the date for the their annual 4 mile run around the streets of Waterford. Online entries of €10 can be done at or by post. Further details on

Also, those wishing to join Waterford AC are very welcome to do so online here or in person this coming Friday night between 7 and 8 upstairs at the RSC.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

We really love this running lark

With weather absolutely atrocious over 200 "Fun" runners went out on the course and "enjoyed" a nice run in the Paddy Byrne Winter League!!!

You say: Are they mad?

One fun runner said "Not at all, once you're wet you ain't getting any wetter!"

Waterford Roadrunners say "Thats the attitude, and €2000 was raised for the Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund" it can't be bad.

Waterford Road Runners Winter League Week 8 -- 21 Jan 2010 - Images by Brendan Jackman Photography

For those who signed up for the series don't forget to pop in to collect your Waterford Roadrunners tee shirt and for anyone else they will be for sale again next week.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

WEP Note 9 - Jan 20th

We are designating tomorrow night's league "Haiti Earthquake Fund Night".

We will be donating:
  • All proceeds from the €5 entries on the night,
  • Selling off the remaining Waterford Roadrunners Tee shirts at €5 each
  • Selling the Waterford Roadrunners Beanie hat at €5
  • and any other donations you would like to offer!

Thanks in advance, and see you at the RSC. Remind all your friends who have gotten out of the running habit, and also new runners are always welcome!

Thanks as always to our volunteer Stewards and organisers and if you would like to steward for a night, come on upstairs from 6:30 to be assigned a position!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Great first night back AND Extra night added!

With over 400 runners back the Paddy Byrne winter league went very well last night with many fun runners delighted to be able to get back into that routine after the really bad spell of weather!

Brendan and Ciaran were busy with the cameras and Brendan's gallery is included below with Ciaran's being uploaded shortly on , thanks guys!

Waterford Road Runners Winter League Week 7 -- 14 Jan 2010 - Images by Brendan Jackman Photography

Also Waterford Roadrunners have decided to add an extra night to the league so keep Feb 11th free too! More details later.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

WEP Note 8 - Jan 13th

Met Eireann say "Frost and fog will clear slowly during the morning. It will be dry for much of the day but rain will extend from the west towards evening. Top temperatures 5 to 9 degrees Celsius".
Waterford Roadrunners say "Finally then, it looks like we might be back on the roads (we mean paths of course) for Tomorrow night, Jan 14th".

Check out for your race handicap and get to the Start; enjoy!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tonight's run cancelled

Unfortunately due to the weather we have had to cancel tonight's fun run! Have a read of WEP note 7 below if you have not already done so.

See you next week, hopefully.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

WEP Note 7 - Jan 6th

Not sure yet for tomorrow as the bad weather has begun to hit Waterford and it may not be safe to go ahead tomorrow night.
We will make a decision tomorrow and put a note here, on WLR fm, by webtext for those who have signed up to them on, (have not signed up yet why not do it now at ..its free!).
If its cancelled why not use that 'Wii fit' you have not been maximising on, do some pilates from the web on youtube by clicking here or just relax with an energy drink and look out the window at the white scenery of your garden......wait......did we say energy drink: of course we meant a nice bottle of vino, red........... or white to go with the scenery!!!

Have you spotted yourself yet in picture? If you can't get out for a run log on to to browse Brendan Jackmans galleries of winter league fun runs and recent half marathon and also click here for pictures from Ciaran Fallon of some of the winter league nights and Alan Crokes of the half marathon!

Keep your comments coming to and great to hear you are having fun, thanks to Jenna (not her real name!) for her comment: "I overdid the Christmas and gained half a stone: is it true you burn 100 calories per mile while running? Waterford Roadrunners says: Yes we heard thats the figure per mile alright so lets hope you are moving up to the 4 mile route and doing your recommended two other sessions per week! Check out more info for recreational runners on athleticsireland website by clicking here! and keep in touch with Waterford AC sessions available most days of the week.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Back after the Christmas Break

As the Waterford Roadrunners Tee shirt shows we are back on 7th January so thats this Thursday! Weather permitting we will pick up where we left off so check your handicap this week on and be ready to run for fun!

For those of you who signed up for the series and didn't pick up your tee-shirt come upstairs from 6:30 on thursday to collect it.