Wednesday, December 2, 2009

WEP Note no 4 - Dec 2nd

No disturbance to our weekly winter league, and all is looking good for tomorrow night.

A very quick note tonight as ye are all very well informed by now (or so you have being telling us at and so just keep doing the good work with just a note on single file running as follows:

With the narrow paths in parts of the course it would be of great assistance to all if you could run in single file rather than side by side.

Particularly as you get tired, if you keep to the left hand side of the path and allow others to pass on your right it would allow them to do so without stepping out on to the road.

Keep up the excellent Fun and don't forget there is only 2 weeks to go until the Santa run! More details to follow here and in this week's Munster Express in our notes section.

Comments to :

Thanks for the many comments emailled to us, and keep them coming. A quote from Maria (not her own but she felt it very relevant to herself):

  • "The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start."

Thanks Maria and also to Joe for providing the Caption for our photo, details below.

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