Thursday, February 18, 2010

Final night party time - Feb 11th

Well done to all who helped contribute to a great Paddy Byrne Winter league 2009/10.

Below is the gallery from Brendan Jackman of the night and a list follows of those who ran each night.

Details soon of how you can download (from the waterford ac website) your own copy of the souvenir e-book of this years league. The ebook was very popular with those who saw the hard copy of it at the party night which followed the final night last Thursday.

Waterford Road Runners Winter League Week 11 -- 11 Feb 2010 - Images by Brendan Jackman Photography

List of those who did the run every week:
4 milers: Paul Cullen, John O Connor, Keith O'Driscoll, Dermot Delaney, Adrian Kirwan, Charlie Jacques, Declan Flanagan, John Brophy, Annette Kelly, Paul Grant, Sarah O'Regan, Mairead O Donovon and Yvonne Marks.
2 milers: Susan Rowe, Owen Power, Elaine Lanigan, Eva Sutton, Annette Egan, Ronan Douglas, Sharon Furlong, Maria Skehan, Bobby Coady and Rachel Hartrey

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

WEP note - Final one - Feb 10th

Tomorrow night Feb 11th is the final night of the Paddy Byrne Winter League 2010.

There will be an end of season Party in the Mount Sion GAA Centre from 9:00pm with presentation of prizes and donations to all the Charities benefiting from this year's league.

Final Gallery of photos from Brendan Jackman is included below and listen out for the details of how you will be able to download your own free souvenir "e-book" of this years winter league compiled by Brendan.

Waterford Road Runners Winter League Week 10 -- 4 Feb 2010 - Images by Brendan Jackman Photography

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Caption Competition Winner

Well done to one of our stewards Albert who is the winner of the latest caption competition and it sings "You put your right leg in, your right leg out......and you stop the traffic, and thats what its all about!"

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Last week photo gallery & WEP note 11

Below are two galleries from last week thanks to our eagle eyed photographer Brendan Jackman. The first is the night in the life of one of you fun runners and the next is another night of pure enjoyment!

A Night in the Life... - Images by Brendan Jackman Photography

and now the rest of you:

Waterford Road Runners Winter League Week 9 -- 28 Jan 2010 - Images by Brendan Jackman Photography

WEP note 11:
Nearly there; Feb 11th is the last night so be free to come to the after-party to see which charites are benefitting from all the good work at Waterford Roadrunners, collect some prizes, enjoy the grub and of the night away.